Dual mechanism of servant leadership affecting employee
voice behavior
DUAN Jin-yun1,2 ZENG Kai3 YAN Han1,2
1. Department of Psychology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China; 2. The Ministry of
Education Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Science-Soochow University Center for
Chinese Urbanization Studies, Suzhou 215123, China; 3. School of Management, Zhejiang
University, Hangzhou
Abstract:From the perspective of self-enhancement and role identity, this study focused on how
servant leadership influence employee voice behavior, providing dual mechanism of servant
leadership affecting employee voice behavior. By analyzing 260 paired samples from 33
enterprises in Suzhou, the results found that servant leadership had a significant positive
influence on employee voice behavior. Consistent with self-enhancement theory, voice
efficacy mediated the relationship between servant leadership and employee voice behavior,
while voice role identity also mediated the relationship on the base of role identity theory.
Moreover, perceived leader power moderated the two mediating roles of voice efficacy and
voice role identity.