Abstract:Human reasoning is often biased. Dual processing theory holds that bias is caused by people's tendency to rely on belief-based heuristic rather than logical-based analytical thinking to make judgements. According to this account, the processing of logical rules is slow and requires cognitive resources. However, recent research has found that people seem to be able to intuitively process logical rules in reasoning tasks without the involvement of analytical thinking, which leads to the proposal of “logical intuition”. This paper compares and summarizes the converging evidence for logical intuition in four paradigms (conflict detection, dual instruction, liking rate, random response). Logical intuition has two core characteristics: automaticity and implicitness. The presence of logical intuition has advanced the explanation of reasoning bias from conflict detection failure to suppression failure, and has contributed to the innovation of dual processing theory from traditional models to new hybrid models. It also has important implications for people’s decision-making and judgment as well as the discussion of human rationality. However, there are still many shortcomings in the study of logical intuition. For example, the sources and boundary conditions of logical intuition remain unclear. And the individual variables that influence logical intuition also need to be explored in depth. In addition, the electrophysiological evidence and cross-domain applicability of logical intuition also needs to be explored. Overall, the study of logical intuition is still in its infancy and needs more research to explore.
杨建勇,胡竹菁,聂丹丹,朱德彪. 推理与偏差:从传统逻辑到逻辑直觉的推进[J]. 应用心理学, 2023, 29(5): 441-453.
YANG Jian-yong HU Zhu-jing NIE Dan-dan ZHU De-biao. Reasoning and Bias: Advancing from Traditional Logic to Logical Intuition. 应用心理学, 2023, 29(5): 441-453.