摘要本文考察了语言心理学旗舰刊物《记忆与语言杂志(Journal of Memory and Language)》的文献,旨在探索国际记忆与语言研究的发展动向。笔者收集该刊1985-2020年的文献,自建题目与摘要信息语料库,采用语料库工具和共现网络可视化工具进行分析,结果发现:近36年来,对词汇与句法维度的语言产出、理解与习得是该研究领域的核心范畴,相对长时记忆,工作记忆持续成为研究焦点;研究话题不断拓宽,更加关注儿童语言认知的发展与个体差异;认知神经学与脑科学的前沿技术手段不断融入记忆与语言研究,呈现出学科交叉与融合的趋势。
Abstract:The present study examines the research literature of the journal Journal of Memory and Language by using corpus and co-occurrence visualization tools, to explore the recent progress in the field of memory and language in recent 36 years. The author collected the titles and abstracts of research articles published in the journal from 1985 to 2020. Results show that lexical and syntactic language production, comprehension and acquisition is the core of psychology of language research. Compared with long-term memory, working memory continued to be the research focus in the recent 36 years. The topics have been constantly deepening and broadening, giving more attention to individual difference and children’s cognitive development. With cutting-edge technological methods from cognitive neuroscience and brain science, memory and language research shows an increasing trend towards interdisciplinarity.
林雨萌,郑清颖,梁君英. 记忆与语言研究发展动向:基于《记忆与语言杂志》的文献计量分析[J]. 应用心理学, 2023, 29(6): 567-.
LIN Yu-meng,ZHENG Qing-ying,LIANG Jun-ying. Trends in Memory and Language Research: A#br# Bibliometric Analysis of Journal of Memory and Language. 应用心理学, 2023, 29(6): 567-.