摘要本文以发表在《科学》上的跨文化诚信研究为例(Cohn et al., 2019),阐述跨文化研究中的文化偏见问题。文化偏见是指在忽略不同社会文化背景的基础上,未能充分考虑不同文化的行为表征,从而导致研究结果存在局限性和偏误。尽管很多学者指出避免文化偏见的必要性(Henrich et al., 2010),但其在社会心理学领域仍普遍存在,且常见于顶尖期刊。因此,本文总结了文化偏见的四个主要成因与四条减少文化偏见的建议,以此为减少文化偏见提供参考和启示。
Abstract:This paper draws upon a cross-cultural civic honesty study published in “Science” (Cohn et al., 2019) to elucidate the issue of cultural bias in cross-cultural research. Cultural bias is defined as the failure to adequately consider the behavioral manifestations of different cultures while overlooking variations in societal and cultural backgrounds, resulting in biased findings. Despite the acknowledged importance of mitigating cultural bias by scholars (Henrich et al., 2010), it continues to persist within the realm of social psychology and remains prevalent in top-tier journals.
In response to the challenge of cultural bias, this article identifies key contributing factors and proposes practical mitigation strategies. The strategies include introducing cultural sensitivity training, fostering diverse research teams, ensuring the cultural appropriateness of research measures, and embracing a cultural relativism perspective. These insights provide valuable guidance for reducing cultural bias, enhancing the accuracy of cross-cultural research practices in psychology and beyond.